Donate To GSDA

Want to donate to GSDA?

Use the “Donate to GSDA” button below to donate to GSDA on PayPal’s secure site using your PayPal account or a Credit/Debt card. 

If you would like to let us know how you want us to use your donation (for diversity efforts, student scholarships, member awards, etc.) or if you want to designate who the donation is in honor of, please complete the form below before submitting your PayPal donation.

Thank you for your generosity in donating to GSDA and helping us support Dietetic students, interns, and professionals in the Greater Seattle area!

GSDA’s Payment Policy: We are not currently able to offer refunds on payments for donations. Please ensure that you are entering/selecting the correct amount you wish to donate on the following PayPal page. Please reach out to us at if you experience any issues with your donation.