Five Low-Sodium Snack Ideas

By Cathy House, MS, Dietetic Intern at Bastyr University

Many people want to eat less salt, but it can be tricky to find snacks that are both low-sodium and delicious. Let’s walk through 5 simple ideas for whole food snacks that are naturally low in sodium.

Why It’s Important to Eat Less Salt

Cutting down on salt may be a smart choice for your health. The American Heart Association recommends eating less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium each day (1). Most Americans eat about 3,400 milligrams of salt daily. Consuming too much sodium can lead to health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. You can lower your risk for these health problems when you lower your sodium intake to the recommended amount(2). The first step to cutting back on salt is knowing where to find salt in the foods you eat.

Foods That Contain High Amounts of Sodium

Image: Nutrition label example

High sodium foods include packaged snacks, canned soups, and restaurant meals. On a food label, sodium refers to the amount of salt in the food. Sometimes, you’ll find salt in unexpected foods. It’s important to read food labels carefully and pick lower sodium options when you can. To help you choose healthier options, here are five simple snacks that naturally have less salt.

Low-Sodium Snacks

1. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

A colorful plate of fresh fruits and vegetables is not only pretty but also a low-salt snack. Fresh produce has very little salt, making it a great choice for a low-sodium diet. You can pair fruits and vegetables with low-salt dips for extra flavor. Try plain yogurt with cinnamon for fresh fruit or yogurt with dill for cut vegetables.

2. Greek Yogurt and Berry Bowl

A Greek yogurt and berry bowl is a creamy and delicious low-salt treat. Greek yogurt is high in protein without much added salt, while berries have healthful antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that prevent damage to the cells in your body. This snack is great for satisfying your sweet tooth while the protein in yogurt keeps you full.

3. Air-Popped Popcorn

Making your own popcorn without added salt is a great alternative to store-bought popcorn. Get creative with your toppings by adding salt-free herb or spice blends or nutritional yeast for extra flavor without the salt.

4. Nuts and Seeds Mix

Nuts and seeds can be great snack choices, but the ones you buy in packages might have too much salt. To keep your snack low in salt, choose unsalted varieties and mix them together for a satisfying and healthy treat.

5. Toast Bar

A toast bar is a fun and versatile snack option. Whole wheat toast is a great base for toppings like avocado, peanut butter, or homemade spreads with less salt. Just be sure to check the labels when buying bread, as some brands can surprise you with their salt content.

It might feel tough to eat less salt, but it’s a good idea for your long-term health. By trying out these low-sodium snack ideas, you’ll be taking a step towards a healthier lifestyle. If you need more help with your nutrition, our experts in the nutrition department at Bastyr Center for Natural Health can help you in meeting your health goals. You can book a visit online at or by calling (206) 834-4100.


  1. How Much Sodium Should I Eat Per Day? May 10, 2023. Accessed October 15, 2023.
  2. Wang Y-J, Yeh T-L, Shih M-C, Tu Y-K, Chien K-L. Dietary sodium intake and risk of cardiovascular disease: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis. Nutrients. 2020;12(10):2934. doi:10.3390/nu12102934

About the author:

Cathy House is a Dietetic Intern at Bastyr University. She received her MS in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Washington in 2018 and worked in community health before pursuing a career as a registered dietitian. Cathy loves to snack and enjoys helping others find easy ways to eat a satisfying and nutritious diet.