Reducing your environmental food-print

If you’ve never had the opportunity to hear GSDA legislative co-chair Chris Vogliano, MS, RDN, speak on sustainable food systems and reducing food waste, you’ve missed out. Chris has spoken on these topics at several venues, including FNCE 2016 in Boston, the Washington State Academy conference in Yakima last April, as well as the Today’s Dietitian Symposium in New Orleans last month.

Chris gave a great talk, as always, and not just because he’s passionate (his word) about the topic—he’s done his research, so he has the science to back it up. Here are three takeaways for anyone who missed the talk but wants to do their part to help reduce their environmental food-print:

  • Choose sustainable protein options. These include pulses (lentils, beans), eggs, nuts and seeds, tofu and whole grains. He also mentioned the Blended Burger Project as a delicious way to reduce meat in a delicious way.
  • Promote dietary biodiversity. “A high-fiber, plant-based diet is consistently associated with improved gut microbiota patterns, increased microbial diversity.” Plus, biodiversity is good for the planet.
  • Reduce wasted food. You can find a white paper he wrote on this topic, “State of America’s Food Waste,” and other good stuff, on his website.

You can also learn more by checking out the archived webinar Chris gave for GSDA in March on “Weighing in On Wasted Food” on the Webinars page (members only).

And if you missed the Today’s Dietitian Symposium, maybe because you were wondering if it was worth going…it is. Don’t miss the 2018 symposium May 20-23 in Austin, Texas!

Carrie Dennett, MPH, RDN, CD, is GSDA’s media and communications chair. She writes a weekly nutrition column for The Seattle Times and regularly contributes to The Washington Post, Today’s Dietitian and other publications.